Ciprian Suciu Bio - Vice President Sales, Europe

Ciprian Suciu Bio
Ciprian Suciu is Infinova Vice President Sales, Europe. He is entirely accountable for Infinova business in Europe, including sales, technical support and operations. With aid from U.S. headquarters, Suciu is responsible for the entire range of Infinova products, including IP, megapixel and analog surveillance cameras and components, camera accessories, monitors, power supplies and fiber optic communications devices as well as customized solutions.

Suciu joined Infinova as a technical support engineer in January, 2004, switching to sales in March, 2007. As regional manager of sales for Europe, he helped to maintain and develop Infinova's sales channel through integrators in Europe.

His contact information includes phone number 40-723536600, email address and SKYPE address ciprian396.
  • Chicago,IL Apr-12,11
  • Union City, CA Feb-22,11
  • Miami, FL Mar-03,11
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