Купольные камеры «панорама/наклон/зум» Infinova, купольные мини камеры и камеры контролируют выставочный центр Shenzhen Convention & Exhibition Center в Шенжене

surveillance cameras,PTZ dome, minidome,fixed Cameras monitor
Over 1,000 Infinova cameras watch over the 2.35 million square foot (220,000 square meter) complex at Shenzhen convention center.
Solution: Infinova surveillance cameras

The 2.35 million square foot (220,000 square meters) Shenzhen Convention & Exhibition Center in Shenzhen, Guangdong, China, just north of Hong Kong, has replaced its previous surveillance cameras with over 1,000 Infinova cameras to watch over the complex. Over 5,000 exhibitors can display products and services at any one time within the eight-level facility.

Besides wanting to be assured that the cameras were reliable, exposition center officials were concerned that their orders would be fulfilled on time so that implementation could go smoothly and on schedule. Infinova was able to refer them to other Shenzhen-based customers, including the Shenzhen Traffic Bureau, for whom they had created and installed an Intelligent Traffic System (ITS) covering their bus stations, railway stations, wharfs and metro system.

  • Chicago,IL Apr-12,11
  • Union City, CA Feb-22,11
  • Miami, FL Mar-03,11
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