Infinova Named One of Most Influential Brands in China

High Speed PTZ Zone Camera|Networked Matrix Switching|Fiber Optics

Acknowledged for High Speed PTZ Zone Camera, Networked Matrix Switching & Fiber Optics Systems

MONMOUTH JUNCTION, NJ - February 25, 2010 - Infinova today announced that, at the annual meeting to celebrate the Spring Festival attended by the security industry in China on January 7, Infinova was acknowledged to be one of the "Top 10 Influential Security Brands in China" for 2009. The event was held at the Xiangmihu Resort's Haoshijie Hall in Shenzen and attended by over 1,000 people, including leaders from the Ministry of Public Security, representatives from public security organizations throughout China, security enterprise leaders and the mainstream media. Infinova was especially recognized for its high speed PTZ zone camera, networked video matrix switching and high density fiber optics transmission systems.

"We have just celebrated ten years of being involved in the Chinese security market,"reports Mark S. Wilson, Infinova vice president, marketing. "We believe we have made an important contribution to the overall Chinese security industry's success, especially with our many high profile installations on highways, other infrastructure locations and at major facilities. We look forward to replicating many of these 1,000+ camera installations throughout the rest of the world."

More information about Infinova is available at

About Infinova
By helping integrators provide their customers with best-in-class, large and small video surveillance solutions, Infinova helps integrators generate more business by being able to say "yes" to a broad scope of projects. Infinova provides IP, megapixel and analog surveillance cameras and components, camera accessories, monitors, power supplies and fiber optic communications devices as well as customized solutions. Infinova partners with brand-leader manufacturers to create turnkey solutions and tests and verifies the functionality of their partners' s solutions when integrated with Infinova products. Infinova works diligently to ensure integrators can provide affordable solutions and is acknowledged in the industry for their exceptional customer service programs. With such customer focus, Infinova is often called "the integrators' manufacturer."
Press Contacts

Mark S. Wilson,
Infinova Vice President,

Mark is in the Western United States time zone

Phone: 1-512-213-4935

Tom or Leslie Brigham,
Brigham Scully Public Relations

Brigham Scully is in the Eastern United States time zone

Phone: 1-207-941-1100