Что такое широкий динамический диапазон и почему специалисты должны обращать на него внимание
What Is Wide Dynamic Range and Why Should Camera Specifiers Care
A guide for Integrators and Installers on how to work with wide dynamic range cameras and the benefits they bring for getting better evidence from video surveillance solutions
Эти, раздражающие всех, тени, блики, отсвечивания и прямой солнечный счет, который погружает изображения в темноту или размывает их до яркого, неразличимого белого цвета, всегда были ахиллесовой пятой видеонаблюдения, и неважно, используете вы аналоговые или цифровые камеры. Камеры с более высоким разрешением это только усиливают…
The introduction of megapixel and high definition cameras gives the promise of better images from a surveillance system. That's why more and more end users are selecting them. However, many end users become very disappointed when the system goes live. Because of varying lighting within the scene, they seem to be no better off than when they deployed their standard definition analog or IP cameras. The entrance to the facility is overexposed because of glare, destroying the possibility of identifying who has come in. However, just to the left, shadows in the scene wipe out any possibility of seeing interactions between check-out clerks and customers. All that money invested in high resolution cameras seems to have been for naught.
This white paper is a guide for Integrators and Installers on how to avoid these problems by working with wide dynamic range cameras and the benefits they bring for getting better evidence from video surveillance solutions.
Related White Papers from Infinova
Infinova has a series of white papers aimed at helping Integrators, CSOs and senior security management to make the technical and business decisions needed to manage security and surveillance installations. The previous five cover:
- Coexistence strategy at the heart of a cost-effective move from analog to digital security video.
- Selecting cameras-analog to IP-based as well as megapixel and high definition.
- Fiber optics enhances the operation and business bottom line of surveillance solutions.
- Storage options and ways to determine which are the best for the needs of the enterprise.
- How to conduct a security site survey leading to a risk and vulnerability matrix.
These previous white papers are available for download at www.infinova.com
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