Как защитить системы видеонаблюдения от удара молнии

surveillance,surveillance system,video surveillance,video surveillance system

A step by step guide for Security Managers and operations staff to protect their video surveillance systems against the catastrophic consequences of lightning strikes.

Системы видеонаблюдения очень чувствительны к высокому напряжению, поскольку удар молнии может нанести непоправимый вред не только наружным камерам, но и оборудованию для передачи данных. Типичная система видеонаблюдения делится на три части:

  • Cameras (outdoor)
  • Transmission
  • Control

The control equipment is normally indoors (including indoor cameras) and is less likely to be struck by lightning because it is protected by the building. The outdoor cameras and transmission equipment, the most important parts of a surveillance system, are at much greater risk from Lightning. Once these devices are damaged the whole surveillance system would not work properly and if they are spread across a wide area, the cost for repair can be significant.

This type of catastrophic failure and the associated costs are avoidable by providing proper protection for all parts of the surveillance against Lightning strikes. This white paper provides guidelines for security managers and their operations staff to protect their outdoor cameras and transmission equipment from Lightning strikes.
  • Chicago,IL Apr-12,11
  • Union City, CA Feb-22,11
  • Miami, FL Mar-03,11
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