Должны ли вы переходить на IP?

surveillance,surveillance system,video surveillance,video surveillance system

A commonsense guide for chief security officers (CSOs), directors and managers on how to reduce costs and extend the life of existing surveillance equipment when migrating from analog to IP surveillance.

Должны ли вы переходить на IP?
Простой ответ – ДА, но экономичным способом, который продлит срок службы существующего оборудования. Вы и ваши коллеги знаете, что вы перейдете на IP, весь вопрос в том, как это сделать.

Of course, the jump – how quickly, how far – all depends on your specifics. For most sites, this migration will take place gradually; and, during the process, analog and IP solutions will coexist, in some cases for many years to come.

Let' s tag along with CSO Terry Jones and Helena Smith his second-in-command, who work for a mid-sized enterprise, as they start to answer the question: Should I jump to IP?

Systematic Approach
The duo, in the profession for a number of years, realizes that, before facing any decision that will make such an important and potentially costly change, they need to do their homework. At a brain-storming meeting, they see the need to spend time exploring the "basics" in the front-end. On the meeting room wall, three steps are posted.
  • Determine what surveillance needs to do.
  • Prioritize the risks and vulnerabilities of your site.
  • And then select a migration strategy and technology to fit those real-life needs.
This white paper presents a guide on how to manage that migration to IP at your own pace, reduce costs and extend the life of existing surveillance equipment.
  • Chicago,IL Apr-12,11
  • Union City, CA Feb-22,11
  • Miami, FL Mar-03,11
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